2015 was a busy year! (And it still is…)
I have been considering several different personal photo projects to work on this year as one of my goals. I have been partaking in a few daily photo challenges, albeit sporadically and nothing that I have really committed to. I’ve looked at a 365-Day project but that seems a tad daunting for me with a third child on the way (due this spring) and working from home with them all around me and being demanding, but I wanted to try to commit to some form of a personal project.
Then, I fell upon the 52-week photo project. Instead of daily, it’s a weekly project where you have a topic and you then interpret that topic with your camera. This, I can do!
I made up a list, assigned each topic a week and here it is (below)! If you want to join me and expanding your focus on the every day and learning to see things in a new way, please do! It’s always nice to have someone to enjoy the trip with. Use the hashtag #SJP52weeks to share samples on Instagram.
And don’t feel like you have to use your big girl/boy camera every time. Use your phone, drag out the old film camera, point and shoot digital…
The challenge starts next week!
Happy shooting!