So it happened like this. I drive down to Wells for Cindy’s baby shower… it’s Sunday morning, there’s a howling wind and raining like crazy. I walk up the driveway, grab the door handle and as the door opens everyone makes a loud gasp. I’m like “I’m here!” (but I don’t really say that!) and immediately get blamed for taking out the power at the very moment I opened the door. Haha
For the record, the power stayed out for the entire baby shower. It was a “romantic” candle-lit shower with 25-some-odd ladies, one grandpa hiding in the garage who snuck in for food and a corgi named Nemo. Good times!
Cindy is expecting her first baby and it’s gonna be a girl! Wahoo! I’m pretty excited for this… I have known Cindy for eons, I photographed her and Casey’s engagement, their wedding… and if the stars align, PERHAPS I will have the opportunity to photograph Baby Girl’s appearance into the world. We shall see. (Fingers crossed!)
Of course, it’s not a real party unless there are BALLOONS!One of the fanciest diaper cakes I have yet to see:
Geez, doesn’t appear that this baby will be loved at all…. ha!
Let the wrapping paper piling commence!
After lunch and opening of a gazillion amazing gifts, it was time to sugar ourselves up. Rossi’s Italian Bakery in York was Cindy’s choice for the cake. I had never had the pleasure of experiencing one of Rossi’s creations and the cake was delicious… but the cannolis…. ooooh, those were so perfect!
Proud Grandma to be… As I’m writing this I realize that I forgot to ask what Nancy’s “grandmother name” will be. Grammy? Nonni? Mememere? MiMi?????
Patiently awaiting cake! (look at that baby bump!)
These cannolis right here…. so good.
So, the shower was a hit, and thankfully, there were no crazy ridiculous games (I know, what a stick in the mud, I am!) Even without electricity, it was a good time to chat and catch up, see family and friends that had not seen each other in a long time and I got to meet a lot of people excited to meet Baby Girl upon her arrival in August! As we said our goodbyes, Nancy handed out these fun little bags. I ran to the car (and had to walk backwards for half the distance because it was raining sideways straight into my face otherwise). I was tempted to peek inside the bag… alas, I waited until I got home and shared my surprise with the baby and he was happy to chatter all about the shiny packages (of YUMMMM) and point to them 100 times.
Thank you to Nancy for being a wonderful host! Best wishes to Cindy and Casey. May the summer be cool, the air conditioning work wonders and may delivery be a “breeze”!!