I work a lot in Fort Williams Park in Cape Elizabeth and for anyone familiar with it can understand why. If you are thinking about what specific location “screams Maine”, the Portland Head Light and the surrounding park, rocky cliffs, giant oak trees, and the islands sprinkled all over Casco Bay do exactly that. So when the S Family requested something quintessentially Maine, Fort Williams is the first place that I thought of.

Two members of the S Family came to Maine the previous year and fell in love with the state and how it felt like a “Hallmark Movie” – so much so that when they got back home in Texas they convinced the rest of their family that they needed to go back with them again the following year. And here they were.

Fort Williams and the most photographed lighthouse in the world
They really wanted to see lighthouses and as luck would have it, South Portland and Cape Elizabeth have a number of them within minutes of each other. Before our session started they visited many of the nearby lighthouses like the Portland Breakwater Lighthouse (AKA: Bug Light), Spring Point Ledge Lighthouse, Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse at Two Lights State Park, and when they arrived at Fort Williams, they could see Ram Island Lighthouse from the paths we walked along towards Portland Headlight.

Looking for that quintessential Maine experience? Shoot me a message and let’s set up a time to make some plans to record some memories while you are here!