I never finished my story about our trip to NY + NJ. I only told you of the craziness that was the drive down from Maine. So, after we ALL stayed up waaaaay beyond all of our bedtimes, the kids were up and at ’em as per their usual: early. Both days. I’m going to skip Saturday’s NYC trip to showcase the party day instead, because some of my favorite images were fromt hat day. Master B was ecstatic to have Addie to play with for yet another day! They set up shop behind the couch. I got to “sleep in” since it was Mother’s Day, but we all know what that really means. I trudged down the stairs to find the two of them snuggled up between the couch and wall playing with Addie’s coveted Littlest Pet Shop toys that she shared oh-so-well.
At some point, my mum showed up in the middle of the morning, having made the trip down from Maine to New Jersey and back to Maine all in one day. Crazy – I know. She brought along Master B’s birthday present which Addie quickly pointed out – which then required B to become very excited – and SOMEONE had to build it! While he was waiting, he drove his other grandmother’s car.
I’m not even really sure what she is throwing at me:
Someone brought a new slide! It has a hose attachment, too! (We didn’t hook it up but Master B was more than happy to test it out to make sure it worked properly.)
So there is this problem when you have older female cousins. They HOLD YOU BACK! I mean, you can’t even eat the cake with your HANDS because they literally HOLD YOU BACK.
Same female cousins WILL HELP YOU in your time of need, though… and there were a lot of candles on the cake for a second birthday, so why not LET THEM HELP?
My SIL gave me two cans of frosting to put on the cake. I went with a Greenbay Packers theme. Or if I had a can of red we could’ve gone with a Rasta theme. Next time!
Baby J, comatose from sugar over-load:
They love each other – and here is proof – albeit, a fleeting moment….
DD Can get around waaaaaaay too well for his own good. I loved this series of images when I was culling…. it was so hard to decide which ones to use because they were all so fun!
Richard looks mighty fine in DD’s conductor hat:
It has been discussed since our return that we NEED to get J one of these tables. He has never been more happy and content for such a LONG period of time as he was playing in this water table. We are currently on the search for a Sand + Water Table to get the best of both worlds… because I need him to stop digging up the celery in the veggie garden.
It was Mother’s Day which meant Master B wasn’t the only one getting gifts.
Hahaha, shorties.
Proof that I was there:
Again, I strongly dislike my photograph being taken which is why I love to be the one with the camera all the time, but for my kids’ sake, when they get older, they won’t have to ask why I am not in ANY of the images because, SEE^^ I am in SOME. All the more reason to get my family photographed interacting together at least once a year so they aren’t always this posed / smile-at-the-camera type of photograph.. as much as I love these images.
Looking forward to another trip to see my brother and his family again this summer! xo