Rockport Maine Family Photography
I met the B Family a few years back when I photographed Jamie’s sister’s wedding in the Belgrade Lakes region. They come back every summer to vacation on the lake and this time they contacted me and asked if I would be willing to meet them somewhere on the ocean to do something a little different than what they have back home. OF COURSE I would meet up with them! I suggested making a day trip and visit the Camden, Rockland, Rockport Maine area and then we could meet up for a portrait session in the area before they went to dinner. And that’s just what we did! They ended up selecting the Rockport Harbor as their backdrop with the fishing boats and rocky coastline. In the evenings the harbor on the south-west side is shaded and has the perfect view of the harbor.

Summer Photo Session in Rockport Harbor
We met in the parking lot and got right to work. We walked to the opposite end of the harbor and then slowly made our way back around. The great thing about this harbor is that there are so many docks and catwalks and angles to photograph in and this offers some great options for posing. The boys were such great sports! In between takes I let them be silly and at one point I even conspired with the youngest to smile for a few shots and then I let him stand to the side of his family and give me his best backpack / floss moves without them noticing. He thought that was the best idea ever.
There was a lot of backpack / floss dancing and it finally took over the session and the whole family got in on it. The kids gave their parents some lessons and eventually the flossing got so crazy that there was some rolling the grass from flossing so hard! haha
Looking for a portrait of your family in one of your favorite places in Maine? Are you looking for a different backdrop than what you have back home? Let’s chat about making that happen. I would love to create beautiful images for you!