The P Family opted for a family photo session in South Portland which is near where they reside. I immediately thought of Willard Beach and the yellows were out in full force. The leaves were still changing, despite the late season, and the moss on the stone walls was a vibrant gold color. It complimented their muted shades of greys and blues with an extra pop. After we were done on the hill, we trekked back down to the beach where we admired the water and played on the playground for a bit before lunch time was upon us (and nap-time was nearing).
This stone wall offered some amazing gold tones to make them really stand out with the neutral colors of their outfits.
The blues in the spring and fall are always more vibrant, especially in the sky!

If you are looking for some winter photos but you’re concerned that the images will be drab and lack color, there is always a way around it to get the color and vibrancy that you may be dreaming of. I know of ways to make your images pop, regardless of the time of year… whether it be a South Portland family photo session or in South Berwick or South Paris… I would love to tell you the ways…. email me!