I photographed little Mr. Silas when he was a wee lad, only a few months old. He was a sweet little guy. When I returned to his family’s home recently, little Mr. Silas had chunked-up into a cherub with the best baby rolls and the funniest little personality.
We rolled around on the floor with his favorite water bottle and talked a lot:He showed off his new leg rolls:
He got kisses from mom:
He was excited to get dressed (for a moment):
He showed me how mean he could look:
He has excellent rolling skills:
And, when you have fun things to do and a set of cool parents, how could you NOT be THIS excited all the time?!:
He enjoys being thoughtful while eating the sun:
He loved showing off his amazing skills of crawling and reeeaaaccchhhiiinnnggggggg….. It’s like a new Yoga pose.
Sometimes he is not a fan of getting dressed, because, well, being naked it super funnnnn!:
He is an amazing raspberry blower! Just look at his incredible skill!:
And, when we are naked again, we can all rejoice and roll our eyes at our parents for even thinking we would ever, ever want clothes on again:
Oh, and let’s back up to that time mom made the best little game and I laughed and laughed and laughed!:
As you can see, Silas is a busy man with many talents! I can not wait to visit him again this summer to celebrate a big milestone!!