Sometimes the best vacations are the ones not-too-far-from-home. For the S Family, a York Maine vacation was just what they needed. They spent the week on the beach playing in the sand, jumping over the waves, chasing seagulls, and taking long naps. Sounds lovely to me!

York Maine Vacation Plans
If I were to plan a York Maine vacation, it would include lots of ice cream from the many places in town, a few strolls (and many rides later) through York’s Wild Kingdom, hours on the beach playing in the water, searching for shells. I would be sure to head up to the point to climb on the rocks by the Nubble Lighthouse and then top it off with a picnic in the park at Short Sands Beach with an energy burning session at the playground. Oh, and the arcade. I’m the master of

His pure joy of the water as it splashed over his legs was what I could easily describe as pure bliss.

Are you coming to Maine for a little family getaway? Are you celebrating a milestone or huge